Friends of the Children - Detroit | Board Member - Rema Vassar, Ph.D.



Rema Vassar, Ph.D.

Trustee, Michigan State University & Professor, Educational leadership and policy studies at Wayne State University

Dr. Rema Reynolds is a former K-12 public school teacher, counselor, and administrator. She currently organizes parents for the improvement of student achievement and teaches Educational Leadership to aspiring school administrators. Dr. Rema’s research is centered in schools serving culturally diverse students and families.

Committed to every student learning, Dr. Rema works as a consultant for school districts across the country, equipping educators with reflexive practices that allow them to take deliberate action and increase equity and access for all students. With a focus on developing servant leaders committed to radical hope and love, she has also taught and presented at professional conferences throughout the United States and in over 20 countries.

Dr. Rema believes in the power of Education to change the world. Consistently building with communities, Dr. Rema brings authenticity to every space and is known for her love for the people and her desire to actualize the collective power of the people. Knowledge is power. Power is freedom. Dr. Rema wants us all to get free.

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